Reliable partner in every occasion

It’s buzzing around noon in lunch and event restaurant Aleksis. The number of lunch guests has increased with almost two hundred diners from last spring. Naturally, corners of the mouth are wiped on Fiblon’s napkins before diners head back to work or to their studies.

Every weekday, Aleksis’ kitchen in Tampere prepares meals for 750 people – and that’s just for lunch. When you add conference catering and evening events, it is clear that Restaurant Manager Sari Nieminen is very busy with event planning and work shifts arrangements.

– We have three to four waiters working every day. Our own tenants order catering for their client meetings, celebrations and receptions from us. The latest Nordic Business Forum gathered almost 300 spectators here at Technopolis Yliopistonrinne to follow the event from live screen, Nieminen says.

Finnish products and flexible delivery as assets

This small and local family business has always followed the principle of meeting the customers’ needs swiftly without compromising quality. Fiblon’s coffee and table setting napkins reinforce the image of a restaurant that is willing to serve. Personalized white napkins follow diners all the way to the sauna facilities at Yliopistonrinne. About 2000 of them are used each day in total.

Why has Aleksis relied on Fiblon all these three years of collaboration?

– We appreciate a Finnish manufacturer that provides us with just the products we need to have in stock at a time. The napkins are printed in Pori conveniently at the pace we need them, Sari Nieminen says.

She emphasizes that the products have to both be practical and feel pleasant against the skin. It’s a small but vital part of the customer experience that you can just take a napkin from a basket and take it with you.


Toivomme, että lähetätte laskunne ensisijaisesti verkkolaskuina. Verkkolaskujen käsittely on sekä lähettäjälle että vastaanottajalle nopeampaa, luotettavampaa ja edullisempaa kuin paperilaskujen käsittely.


Apix Messaging Oy





Mikäli ette pysty lähettämään verkkolaskuja, pyydämme Teitä lähettämään jatkossa paperiset laskut ostolaskujen skannauspalveluun osoitteeseen:

Oy Fiblon Ab (Apix skannauspalvelu)
PL 16112

Jotta skannauspalvelu voi kohdistaa laskunne, tulee tämä laskutusosoite tulostaa myös itse laskuun eikä pelkästään kirjekuoreen. Pyydämme Teitä myös huomioimaan, että tähän laskutusosoitteeseen ei saa lähettää muuta materiaalia kuin laskuja eli esimerkiksi tiedotusten ja markkinointimateriaalin postiosoite pysyy ennallaan.

Fiblon Oy:n sähköpostiskannauksen osoite:

Lisätietoja laskutuksesta antaa: Sini Huhtasalo, puh. 0400 943 941


We hope that you will send your invoices primarily as an e-invoice. E-invoicing is faster, more reliable and cheaper than handling printed invoices for both the sender and the receiver.


Apix Messaging Oy

E-invoicing address


Edi code


If you are unable to send e-invoices, from now on please send any paper invoices to the purchase invoice scanning service at the following address:

Oy Fiblon Ab (Apix scanning services)
PL 16112

In order for the scanning service to direct your invoice correctly, this invoicing address should also be printed on the invoice itself, and not only on the envelope. Please note that no other material apart from invoices should be sent to this invoicing address. The mailing address for newsletters and marketing material will remain the same as earlier.

Fiblon Oy’s address for email scanning:


Further details from Maiju Kärki, tel. +358 20 123 6664