
Improving wellbeing at work at Fiblon

Since 2015, we have launched several projects aimed at improving wellbeing at work, such as the 3-year Great Place to Work study, which we hope will help us identify the most important areas in need of improvement. The Smartum exercise and culture benefit was tested in 2015-2016. In October 2015, we launched a one-year workplace health promotion group activity for a targeted group, together with our occupational healthcare provider. The group was named Virkku, and they met 11 times to attend various lectures by workplace health specialists and to try out different forms of exercise.

Currently, the group is making plans on how to continue the program. One possibility is hiring a third-party wellbeing coach to create an occupational wellbeing coaching programme. This, of course, requires sufficient motivation and interest towards the programme.

In addition to sliding work times, we help our employees combine work with their personal life by offering remote work opportunities and tailored work shifts for production staff depending on their life situations.

From the beginning of 2017, we have offered our employees a daily dose of vitamins in the form of a weekly fruit delivery to the workplace. This idea has been warmly welcomed, and if the delivery is late, people start asking what has happened to the fruits! Based on feedback, this has turned out to be our most successful idea – 100% of our staff in Pori take advantage of this perk.

Now, the challenge is to come up with similarly successful and motivating wellbeing projects! The employer can provide information and the prerequisites for everyone to improve and maintain their wellbeing, but in the end, everyone has to take responsibility for themselves and their own motivation.

I do believe, however, that a smoothly functioning workplace community is the most crucial factor and forms the basis for wellbeing at work. If everyday life at the workplace is difficult, individual projects are useless.

Wellbeing at work also has a huge effect on the company’s competitiveness, financial performance and image. If we make the right investments, they will pay themselves back in no time.

Maiju is Fiblon’s administrative manager and handles both financial and HR matters.


Toivomme, että lähetätte laskunne ensisijaisesti verkkolaskuina. Verkkolaskujen käsittely on sekä lähettäjälle että vastaanottajalle nopeampaa, luotettavampaa ja edullisempaa kuin paperilaskujen käsittely.


Apix Messaging Oy





Mikäli ette pysty lähettämään verkkolaskuja, pyydämme Teitä lähettämään jatkossa paperiset laskut ostolaskujen skannauspalveluun osoitteeseen:

Oy Fiblon Ab (Apix skannauspalvelu)
PL 16112

Jotta skannauspalvelu voi kohdistaa laskunne, tulee tämä laskutusosoite tulostaa myös itse laskuun eikä pelkästään kirjekuoreen. Pyydämme Teitä myös huomioimaan, että tähän laskutusosoitteeseen ei saa lähettää muuta materiaalia kuin laskuja eli esimerkiksi tiedotusten ja markkinointimateriaalin postiosoite pysyy ennallaan.

Fiblon Oy:n sähköpostiskannauksen osoite:

Lisätietoja laskutuksesta antaa: Sini Huhtasalo, puh. 0400 943 941


We hope that you will send your invoices primarily as an e-invoice. E-invoicing is faster, more reliable and cheaper than handling printed invoices for both the sender and the receiver.


Apix Messaging Oy

E-invoicing address


Edi code


If you are unable to send e-invoices, from now on please send any paper invoices to the purchase invoice scanning service at the following address:

Oy Fiblon Ab (Apix scanning services)
PL 16112

In order for the scanning service to direct your invoice correctly, this invoicing address should also be printed on the invoice itself, and not only on the envelope. Please note that no other material apart from invoices should be sent to this invoicing address. The mailing address for newsletters and marketing material will remain the same as earlier.

Fiblon Oy’s address for email scanning:


Further details from Maiju Kärki, tel. +358 20 123 6664